Leftover pasta inspired me to improvise off a Jessica Seinfeld recipe, leaving out the obligatory vegetable puree. (I can't imagine Jerry eating that stuff. He's so picky.) I just fried up the pasta in olive oil until it was crunchy and then made some holes to drop the yolks in. It turned out well, but extremely filling. Don't make this one before you go climbing the peaks of Puchin and Damblesdorph.
I made this one for breakfast today. Just some scrambled eggs with arugula. I accidentally poured too much milk in the mixture before I put it on the stove, but it worked out. The eggs were super fluffy.
Just make sure you sprinkle some olive oil and salt and pepper on the top. Dress those greens!
In a chicken embryo collection, this would be my prime specimen. It's a frittata with thinly-sliced radishes and parmesan cheese, mixed in with some basil. (I had all these ingredients in the fridge beforehand. Never go out and buy shit just to make eggs, for godssakes.) A made it up just like an omelet, but put it under the broiler for a minute instead of folding it over. I put some basil in the egg itself, and then sprinkled the radish and basil mixture on top next to the cheese.
This one's definitely a winner: The flavors contrast and play against each other so well. The freshness of the radishes and basil, earthiness from the egg and a pungent strike of the cheese. It tastes even better when you fry the egg in olive oil instead of butter. Tastes I-Talian!